
Structures can erode, but relationships can last a lifetime. Our passion is people. Here is what we have been building.

Locations of Monthly
Service Projects

North Yarmouth Yarmouth Lewiston Augusta Saco Portland Westbrook South Portland Windham Scarborough Turner Pownal Lisbon Freeport Gorham Auburn Minot Lyman

Impact Stats

total homes worked on
total service projects conducted
total workshops and retreats
total nonprofits, city offices, and housing cooperatives worked with
Total Man Hours
aprox 5227 hrs
Project Volunteers
62 different volunteers
Estimated Valve of Work done in 2023 & 2024

Working on homes often has a greater effect then the physical work.

Homeowner in Windham

“I am still recovering from what was the most profound day of my life…As I sat by the lake, I would think about my attachment to my old angry, scared world view, and the joy of Saturday would wash over me, bringing the new feelings of hope and gratitude (for myself and the world). And I would cry, because the two were so very different and now I could see that I have a choice. I couldn’t see that before…           

When I contrast the days I spent trying to do the work myself (often crying in pain and hopelessness and frustration) with the amazing day with Living To L.A.S.T., I feel like a different person…

They made my shame dissolve about the state of my home. And no one made fun of my rudimentary efforts at repair…”

Together we are aiming to raise the standard of men


The Transformation Project

“After witnessing their team working alongside of our returning community members, it was clear that what Living to Last does isn’t what makes these projects happen, it’s who they are as men. The team sets a great standard of safety, intentionality and brotherhood making it an absolute joy to work alongside of them all.”

The Men

Isolation kills, serving together is the means, brotherhood is the end result

"Living to Last is more than a humanitarian non-profit, it’s a brotherhood. It’s an organization built on values and morals higher than on our own. Over the years I have shared stories, laughs, tears, and unforgettable memories with them. The relationships I have made are life long. Learn, Act, Serve, Train has been a lifestyle for me as much as a motto. If you have the opportunity to be a part of Living To L.A.S.T. or be blessed by their service to the community, I would highly recommend it."
30 Years Old
"I’ve been volunteering with Living to L.A.S.T. for almost five years. When I started I was in 8th grade and I wasn’t much help on a job site. I liked demolition and lunch and that covered it for me. But I kept coming and the more I came the more I learned and the more I learned the more I could do and the more I could do the more I grew. Not just physically or in practical skill but I matured and learned self control. The men of L2L taught me that a guy can lead a team without being aggressive, threatening, or violent. They taught me that encouraging someone is just as effective, if not more, than correcting and disheartening them. They taught me that love and joy is a more powerful motivator than fear and all its accomplices. Then, just this year, I got pulled off my project assignment and given a new one, I was given a team to lead, and I got to use everything I had learned from the men of Living to L.A.S.T. Working alongside them, helping them and teaching them. Looking back on these five years I see that Living to L.A.S.T. and its members helped shape me into who I am today, they taught me skills I use both everyday and others I only use when something breaks. Without them I would be a very different person and I am more than thankful for the impact this organization and the people in it have had on me and my life."
17 Years Old

It takes many hands to make this all happen and there are multiple ways for you all to get involved. Please consider donating to us, serving with us at a service project, or contacting us about other ways you could help.

  • Videography
  • Photography
  • Legal advice
  • Sponsorships
  • Join our consultant team (engineers, architects, highly seasoned trade workers, etc.)
  • Social Media